Our skin needs regular care. The collagen fibers included in its composition tend to stretch over the years. Modern cosmetic procedures help to deal with emerging problems in a non-surgical way, by using the latest medical technologies.
The most modern way to restore the skin is device rejuvenation. With its help, you can easily get rid of age spots and wrinkles, increase the elasticity of the skin and maintain its elasticity. It should be remembered that age-related changes in the body begin after 30 years. Therefore, it is at this age that you should visit a beautician and get the necessary advice on how to further preserve the beauty of your skin. In the event that age-related changes have already occurred, a specialist will help you quickly deal with them, preventing the development of the aging process.
Scientific developments and research, confirmed by practical results in the field of aesthetic medicine, have already been widely introduced into everyday practice. The surgical method remains a radical measure to correct the appearance. An excellent effect, according to cosmetologists and research results, is provided by hardware rejuvenation methods.
Thanks to its unique effectiveness and quick results, the method of apparatus rejuvenation has gained great popularity among customers and specialists in beauty salons.
In apparatus rejuvenation, the effect is achieved by exposing the skin to devices that restore the cellular structure. The hardware rejuvenation procedure combines the use of radio current and light. This technique is recognized in cosmetology as the most effective and safe. It also does not cause any side effects. And rejuvenation is due to the production of natural elastin and collagen.
The skin is imperceptibly rejuvenated from the inside, its tone is restored and elasticity is increased. Hardware rejuvenation is used to eliminate age-related wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes. The effect of rejuvenation does not occur immediately, but the result can be seen after the first procedure. And to achieve the best result, you will need 5-6 sessions with an interval of three weeks.
Hardware rejuvenation methods
The myostimulation method is used in modern cosmetology to smooth out wrinkles, improve the structure and color of the skin, contour the face and correct the figure. Myostimulation also helps to eliminate puffiness and signs of fatigue of the skin around the eyes, tighten the eyelids, strengthen the facial muscles, relieve muscle tension, reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve the condition of the endocrine and nervous systems.
E-Light facial rejuvenation
Hardware facial rejuvenation using E-Light technology is very popular today. This technology consists in a complex effect on the skin of high-frequency current and light energy. This method allows you to have a deep and gentle effect on the skin without damaging its integrity. The visible effect is noticeable even after the first procedure: your skin becomes elastic and radiant.
Absolutely safe and side-effect-free method of facial rejuvenation. Thermage is radiolifting (RF-lifting), which affects the deep layers of subcutaneous fat tissue with high-frequency energy. This procedure rejuvenates the skin from the inside, enhances collagen synthesis in it, makes it young and healthy.
face lifting
Lifting is a series of techniques aimed at rejuvenation with different intensities, allowing to improve the appearance of the skin, its tightening, removal of certain types of wrinkles, correction of facial contours and nasolabial folds, as well as solving many appearance problems related towith age-related changes. . The lifting procedure is very effective and has practically no contraindications.
Photorejuvenation is a fast and effective procedure that helps rejuvenate the skin of the face. In this method, the surface layer of keratinized cells is removed using photoflashes. Penetrating deep into the dermal layer of the skin, the high-frequency pulsed light boosts collagen production, resulting in age spots fading, facial redness reducing, and skin becoming smooth, healthy and elastic.
Lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage allows the body to get rid of the fluid that collects in the intercellular space and leads to congestion with age. The accumulation of toxins in the tissues, the slowing of the lymph flow leads to the appearance of bags under the eyes and puffiness of the face, deterioration of the complexion, increase in blood pressure, development of varicose veins, excess weight and cellulite.
Laser rejuvenation
Laser rejuvenation is a very promising and dynamically developing procedure for rejuvenating the face and body. Depending on the method of exposure and the type of laser, this method allows you to solve many problems related to age changes, as well as congenital or acquired problems and cosmetic defects in appearance. Laser rejuvenation is a set of safe and modern procedures.
Despite the fact that hardware methods on the face are safe and painless, only a specialist can correctly assess the situation and choose the right procedure.
Hardware cosmetology - types of procedures
Usually, all cosmetic hardware procedures are divided into several types depending on the equipment used and the form of impact on the body:
- Phonophoresis, peeling, facial massage are performed on ultrasound devices.
- Devices using current perform galvanic lymphatic drainage, electrolysis, darsonvalization, myostimulation and microcurrent therapy.
- Brushing, pressotherapy, diamond peeling, cryotherapy, infrared sauna are performed with mechanical and thermal devices.
- The light device for cosmetic procedures is designed for photolifting, photoepilation, photorejuvenation of the face.
Cosmetic facial cleansing from home peeling is characterized by a deeper effect on dead skin particles, opening the pores and removing a large accumulation of fatty secretions. Hardware peeling can be of several types:
- Chemical cleaning - when a special wax is applied to the skin of the face, forming a mask. It is necessary to wear the mixture for about 48 hours, after which the mask is removed together with the upper layer of the epithelium. The rehabilitation course is 30 days.
- Ultrasonic cleaning is a painless cosmetic procedure that is performed using an ultrasound device. The whole session takes about 45 minutes, no rehabilitation is required.
- Deep cleaning of the skin with a gas-liquid apparatus, releasing a jet of oxygen with saline solution. This peeling takes 25 to 35 minutes.
Uz facial cleansing is a very effective skin smoothing procedure. Learn more about her.

In modern beauty salons and professional aesthetic clinics, hair removal is divided into several types:
- Laser cosmetology. This method is used when it is necessary to remove dark hair on light skin, to make the armpit or bikini area smooth. After 6-9 sessions, hair growth noticeably stops, but you should know that the laser is helpless against blonde hair.
- Cosmetic photoepilation - apparatus physiotherapy is performed with an apparatus with krypton lamps. One session at the clinic will take you from 1 to 2 hours. Among the disadvantages of epilation - the possibility of thermal burns of the skin, dryness, flaking.
- Cosmetic elos epilation - works on the principle of combining the advantages of apparatus photo and laser epilation. It is considered the safest cosmetic procedure, suitable for all skin types and hair of all shades.
Non-surgical hardware liposuction or ultrasonic cavitation is a new method for removing fatty tissue deposits in hard-to-reach places, removing orange skin, lifting the buttocks and correcting body imperfections. The procedure is performed with the device on paired parts of the body, the area of which is a minimum of 10 centimeters in volume: hips, buttocks, arms, upper back, thighs.
Lymphatic drainage
Hardware lymphatic drainage is a method of apparatus physiotherapy, the purpose of which is to remove excess fluid and products of intercellular metabolism from the body. Already after the first session, there is an active effect on the entire lymphatic system of the body, due to which muscles relax, blood circulation improves and toxic substances are removed from the body.
Hardware lymphatic drainage using the device can be of several types:
- Electrophonophoresis - involves introduction under the skin with the help of electrodes of stimulating, regenerating, nourishing agents.
- Vacuum lipomassage is based on the local effect of negative pressure on areas of the epidermis. It is often recommended in cosmetology with a microcurrent complex.
Hardware lifting is a cosmetic procedure for tightening the skin, removing fine and deep wrinkles and rejuvenating the epidermis. Often the procedure is performed on the upper parts of the body: chin, cheekbones, neck, cleavage, eyes and nasolabial folds. In the price lists of most cosmetic clinics, customers indicate the following types of professional lifting:
- Radio wave correction of the facial oval - the technique activates compensatory mechanisms and resumes the production of natural neocollagen. After 2-3 months, the effect of the procedure will disappear.
- Microcurrent therapy - the device activates tissue regeneration processes, affects the elasticity of the muscles, the functioning of the lymphatic system. The effect of the procedure will last up to 8 months.
- SMAS lifting is a cosmetic procedure that is performed using a device that provides a focused emission of ultrasound waves. The result appears within six months.
Machine massage
Hardware massage helps women to prolong youth, improve their health and relax spiritually. Depending on the area being worked on and the types of equipment used, cosmetic massage is divided into several subtypes:
- The vibromassage device is necessary for correcting the shape of the chest, the décolletage area, correcting the posture. The session takes place in a chair and lasts up to 30 minutes.
- Hydromassage is based on the use of mechanical force from a water jet. It helps to treat orange skin, breaks down fatty deposits on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen. Many experts call this technique an alternative to liposuction.
- Cosmetic lpg massage - in modern medicine, it is used in the treatment of varicose veins, radiculitis, myositis. For cosmetic purposes, lpg massage is used in the physiotherapy of local fat deposits, cellulite, loose skin.
Removal of marks and scars
Removing inflammation, eliminating post-acne syndrome, removing scars, scars, warts and papillomas is another direction in cosmetology. For this purpose, the following procedures have been developed:
- Dermabrasion - polishes the surface of the skin or its deep layers. The purpose of this procedure is to smooth wrinkles, remove age spots, scars. Depending on the purpose, resurfacing can be done mechanically, chemically or with a laser.
- Cryomassage - this cosmetology device destroys tissues under the influence of liquid nitrogen. Helps to remove papillomas, warts, warts.
- Cosmetic cryotherapy is a cold treatment method. It is used in the treatment of severe acne, skin diseases.
Apparatus cosmetology for the body
Hardware cosmetology for the body will help get rid of most skin problems, restore muscle tone, the main advantage of which is that the problems are solved without surgical intervention in a short time. Other indications for carrying out physiotherapy treatment can be:
- fight against excess weight, cellulite;
- treatment of acne on the body;
- removal of tattoos, warts, papillomas;
- figure correction;
- hair loss;
- elimination of vascular stagnation of any localization.
At the same time, no hardware cosmetology clinic will undertake to perform the listed procedures for:
- oncological diseases;
- during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- the patient has implants;
- diabetes mellitus, varicose veins;
- poor blood clotting;
- poor health of the patient.
Apparatus cosmetology for the face
Hardware facial procedures are aimed at solving the following problems:
- puffiness;
- scars, skin defects;
- light, deep wrinkles;
- dryness, drooping;
- dull complexion;
- acne, post-acne;
- removing unwanted facial hair.
Contraindications for providing cosmetic services on devices are:
- sensitive skin;
- the onset of menstruation;
- taking certain medications;
- damage to the upper layers of the epidermis;
- increased sensitivity to pain;
- circulatory failure.
Apparatus cosmetology at home
Some devices originally intended for professional procedures are now available for self-use. Home hardware cosmetology allows the use of:
- Steam sauna for face - opens, cleans pores, helps to get rid of dryness, normalizes blood circulation.
- Laser comb - accelerates hair growth, eliminates the condition of dry scalp, treats weak, brittle hair.
- Ultrasonic scrubber - exfoliates dead skin particles, used for peeling any part of the body.
- Device for vacuum cleaning of pores - removes black spots on the face, improves complexion, narrows pores.
What is apparatus cosmetology
The possibilities of modern medicine, combined with technical development, work wonders in matters of rejuvenation. Device facial cosmetology is based on the process of using cosmetics that, through the use of special equipment, are able to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin for a better effect.
Using this method allows:
- favorably affects skin inflammation by eliminating them;
- promote skin cell regeneration processes;
- improvement of lymphatic drainage processes;
- tones muscle and nervous activity;
- improving the general condition of the skin in problem areas.
Apparatus cosmetology is a great alternative for women who do not want to go under the surgical knife. Its use is particularly effective at the first signs of aging.
Types of hardware procedures
The possibilities of apparatus cosmetology for facial rejuvenation are very wide. To start this type of procedure, it is necessary to visit a beautician to determine the problem and the type of actions required.
Types of hardware cosmetic facial procedures:
- courses of phototherapy procedures;
- exposure based on microcurrents;
- peeling with ultrasound;
- elos rejuvenation.
Phototherapy-based procedures help get rid of acne, tighten facial skin and help fight age spots.
Devices that are aimed at using microcurrents allow you to train the muscles and nerves of the face, and also allow you to painlessly get rid of wrinkles in the mouth area. Especially procedures using microcurrents are indicated for people with enlarged pores on the face (black dots indicate their presence), since the device therapy contributes to their narrowing.
The use of ultrasonic peeling is suitable for any skin type, it helps to remove the dead layer of cells from the surface of the face and remove fine wrinkles.
As a result, the skin looks fresher.
The Elos-rejuvenation procedure is based on the simultaneous application of light pulses and high-frequency current discharges. Some patients with high sensitivity may experience pain due to the effect of the current. But the obtained result will allow a person to forget about the experienced discomfort.
Rejuvenate at home
For those people who do not have the opportunity to regularly visit beauty salons due to lack of funds or remoteness of the place of residence, there are alternative options for using cosmetic devices at home. When used regularly, they allow you to achieve the desired results. In addition, the ease of use does not require special skills from a person.
Having visited a beauty salon once and understood what effect is needed, you can immediately purchase a device for home use. They are divided into:
- Apparatus for vacuum facial cleansing;
- universal devices for irradiation with ozone, light, ions;
- devices based on the effect of electric current;
- devices for laser effects on the skin of the face;
- radio frequency therapy.
None of the above procedures will require medical knowledge and skill from the user. It is enough to buy the device and follow all the instructions for its use.
Most often, if it is used by only one person, then there are no questions about its work. Well, in cases where two or more people use the facial simulator, hygiene must be observed, namely, after each use, the device must be wiped with an alcohol or vodka composition. To prevent the transfer of bacteria from one body to another.
New in device cosmetology
Beauty salons engaged in facial rejuvenation offer a novelty - the use of a series of German preparations of the BDR device. A specially designed series allows you to get the desired result in a relatively short time. It also allows you to work with the client on an individual schedule, gradually eliminating all problems in the more difficult areas.
The hardware cosmetology procedure BDR consists of several stages:
- facial skin cleansing;
- surface peeling;
- hardware impact;
- additional treatment of wrinkles in problem areas;
- facial massage procedure;
- skin treatment with a special serum to preserve the result.
Such a complex effect allows the skin to renew itself in shorter periods of time.
Are there any contraindications for facial rejuvenation?
Many are interested in the question of whether there are contraindications for hardware cosmetology for facial rejuvenation. Of course, there are, and they should be taken into account before going for the procedure.
These include the following:
- the patient has cancer;
- if the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
- the presence of individual intolerance to at least one of the constituent components of the procedure;
- if a person suffers from poor blood clotting (especially in the presence of existing hereditary factors).
As for facial skin rejuvenation procedures based on exposure to microcurrents, a few more points should be added to the above list:
- the presence of epilepsy;
- recent heart attack or stroke;
- in case of use of electrical pacemakers.
In order to avoid mistakes during the initial appointment in a beauty salon, the specialist must necessarily ask the patient about the presence of diseases.
Hardware rejuvenation
Currently, apparatus cosmetology for facial rejuvenation is gaining more and more popularity. The variety of procedures allows you to choose the most suitable technique in a particular case. Such an alternative to surgical intervention enables a non-invasive influence on the aging process of the skin.
- The most common salon service for wrinkle removal is ultrasound lifting. The uniqueness of this technique lies in the fact that the device does not act on the epidermis, but on the muscles, which as a result gives an excellent result. This method is suitable for those who have sagging corners of the lips, chin and neck, and the contour of the face has lost its previous shape. A good effect can be obtained after the first procedure, so many women often resort to ultrasound rejuvenation. The advantage of this technique is the painlessness.
- Facial rejuvenation methods are complemented by laser procedures. The fractional method is based on the penetration of a beam that breaks up into a grid in the deep layers of the epidermis. This stimulates the production of collagen cells, as a result of which the skin renewal process begins - its structure becomes better, hyperpigmentation areas disappear. Another type of laser exposure is facial resurfacing. It affects only the upper layers of the skin. But at the same time, all keratinized layers are removed, which prevent the complete supply of oxygen. In this case, metabolism improves, blood flow increases and the aging process slows down.
- Hardware facial rejuvenation is also represented by the well-known photorejuvenation procedure. Thanks to a special device, light pulses are applied to sufficiently deep layers of the epidermis. At the same time, the face rejuvenation method itself is absolutely painless and devoid of discomfort, but the results will exceed all expectations. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, age spots that often appear as a result of aging will disappear. Thanks to photorejuvenation, it is possible to eliminate the weight of the capillary network, which often spoils the appearance.
- Modern skin rejuvenation methods are complemented by Thermage, a procedure based on exposure to radio waves. At the same time, even in the deep layers of the epidermis, an increase in temperature occurs, which starts the collagen production process. This technique is very effective, leaves no traces of exposure on the face and does not cause an allergic reaction.
- Elos-rejuvenation procedure is also gaining popularity. It consists in the simultaneous application of high-frequency current and light radiation. In this way, a complex effect is exerted on the skin. During the procedure, only a slight tingling and nothing else can be felt. At the same time, the production of collagen fibers is stimulated, blood flow increases and cells are renewed.
What other salon methods are there?
How to rejuvenate the skin of the face is interesting to most women, but it is not always possible to achieve the expected effect. For women aged 40-50, injectable methods of face lifting are ideal. The most common method is mesotherapy - a facial skin rejuvenation procedure based on injecting into the epidermis substances that smooth out wrinkles. The composition is selected individually, depending on the condition of the skin. Most often, vitamins, hyaluronic acid or fibroblasts are used for injections.
It is important to understand that different anti-aging facial procedures are used in each case. To eliminate the reason why the skin begins to fade, cosmetologists often recommend ozone therapy, which allows the transport of oxygen to the cells. At the same time, the metabolism is accelerated, most wrinkles are smoothed out and the complexion improves. Ozone therapy is currently one of the most sought-after treatments because it is safe and gives good results.