To rejuvenate the skin of the face, you can use different means, but according to many professional cosmetologists, the best result will be provided by the regular use of masks made from natural products.

In addition, you should start doing them not when the skin is already covered with wrinkles, loses firmness and elasticity, but much earlier, as soon as the first signs of wilting appear. Small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes will tell you that it is time for intensive facial care to keep it fresh.
Each woman, according to her own experience, can choose exactly those masks that are most suitable for her skin. For example, several masks that are considered the most effective for rejuvenating the skin of the face.
Asian mask
The main component of the Asian mask is rice. There is nothing to be surprised, because this product is the main food of Asians. It contains many useful components, so women from the East look very good. It consists of the following elements:
- Skin softening starch;
- Choline, which relieves irritation;
- Silicone, giving elasticity;
- Potassium, fighting dryness;
- Vitamins PP and H, refreshing the complexion and promoting cell regeneration.
In the manufacture of such a mask for facial rejuvenation, you must strictly follow the recipe. Then it will make your skin gentle, soft and will be maximally effective.
The recipe for a rice mask for facial rejuvenation is as follows: take 200 grams of rice and wash it seven times, pour it into a pot, pour two cups of water, cover and leave for 10 hours. You can do it in the morning so that everything is ready in the evening. After the time has passed, a film will appear on the surface of the grains. If it doesn't, then you did something wrong. Then boil the rice, all the water should drain out.
attention! Do not mix the contents of the container!
Remove the top layer of rice, it contains the most useful substances, it is from it that a mask is made to rejuvenate the face. Cool the resulting mass, mix it with egg yolk, the protein is not necessary. Apply the finished mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.
This mask is very suitable for women over 45. The remaining rice can be eaten.
Mask with sprouted wheat
This facial skin rejuvenation mask can be done from the age of 40. It is very effective and contains a large amount of vitamins. Wheat germ gives the skin a healthy and fresh look, as well as renews the cells. If your skin has already begun to undergo slight age-related changes, then prepare such a mask. You will not regret this.
Rinse the sprouts in water, dry and grind in a blender. Then mix with high-fat sour cream (if the skin is dry), milk (if the skin is sensitive), kefir (if the skin is oily), yogurt (if the skin is normal). A thick paste should be obtained, which is applied to the face for 25 minutes, then washed off.
Vitamin mask with yeast
Take one tablespoon of yeast, mix with one tablespoon of milk product depending on the skin type. Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of linseed oil, mix well. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil. Immerse a container with the mixture in a container of water, turn off the heat. Wait for the yeast to rise. As soon as the process starts (foam appears), the mask can be applied to the face after cooling. Spread a face rejuvenation mask should be a thick layer and rinse with warm water after 10 minutes.
Yeast contains vitamins of group B, so this mask perfectly rejuvenates, helps to restore cells. It will help to improve the appearance of the face. See for yourself!